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Sequence formats and compression

All commands accept different formats and compressed input, and writing to a different sequence and compression format is also possible. The input and output formats are automatically inferred based on the file extensions.

Note: Currently, there is no auto-recognition of the formats

The following pass command reads a GZIP compressed FASTQ file and converts it to uncompressed FASTA.

st pass input.fastq.gz -o output.fasta
# or the equivalent shorthand:
st . input.fastq.gz -o output.fasta

If receiving from STDIN or writing to STDOUT, the format has to be specified unless it is FASTA (which is the default):

wget -O - https://url/to/remote/seqs.fastq.gz | 
  st . --fmt fastq.gz --to fasta > output.fasta

The output format is always assumed to be the same as the input format if not specified otherwise by using --to <format> or -o <path>.<extension>.

There also exist shorthand notations such as --to-fa (shortcut in table below).

Recognized formats

The following extensions and format strings are auto-recognized:

sequence format recognized extensions format string shortcut (in) ..out
FASTA .fasta,.fa,.fna,.fsa fasta,fa --fa --to-fa
FASTQ .fastq,.fq fastq,fq,fq—illumina,fq—solexa --fq --to—fq
CSV (, delimited) .csv csv --csv FIELDS --to—csv FIELDS
TSV (tab delimited) .tsv,.tsv tsv --tsv FIELDS --to—tsv FIELDS

Note: Multiline FASTA is parsed and written (--wrap), but only single-line FASTQ is parsed and written.

Besides FASTQ, quality scores can also be parsed from / written to 454 (Roche) style QUAL files using --qual <file> and --to-qual <file>.

Compression formats

No shortcuts are available for compression formats, therefore always use the long form: --fmt <input_format> / --to <output_format>

format recognized extensions format string (FASTA)
GZIP .gzip,.gz fasta.gz
BZIP2 .bzip2,.bz2 fasta.bz2
LZ4 .lz4 fasta.lz4
ZSTD .zst fasta.zst

Delimited text (CSV, TSV, ...)

Comma / tab / ... delimited input and output can be configured providing the --fields / --outfields argument, or directly using --csv/--to-csv or --tsv/--to-tsv. The delimiter is configured with --delim <delim>

st . --outfields id,seq -o output.tsv input.fasta

equivalent shortcut:

st . --to-tsv id,seq > output.tsv

Variables/functions can also be included:

st . --to-tsv "id,seq,length: {s:seqlen}" input.fasta
id1 ATGC(...)   length: 231
id2 TTGC(...)   length: 250

Setting default format via environment variable

The ST_FORMAT environment variable can be used to set a default format other than FASTA. This is especially useful if connecting many commands via pipe, saving the need to specify --fq / --tsv <fields> / ... repeatedly. Example:

export ST_FORMAT=fastq

st trim :10 input.fastq | st revcomp > trimmed_revcomp.fastq

For delimited files (CSV or TSV), the input fields can be configured additionally after a colon (:):

export ST_FORMAT=tsv:id,seq

## Input file:
# id1 ACGT...
# id2 ACGT...
# ...

st trim ':4' input.txt | st revcomp > trimmed_revcomp.txt

## Output:
# id1 ACGT...
# id2 ACGT...

Quality scores

Quality scores can be read from several sources. FASTQ files are assumed to be in the Sanger/Illumina 1.8+ format (ASCII offset of 33). Older formats (Illumina 1.3+ and Solexa) with an offset of 64 can be read and written using --fmt/--to fq-illumina or fq-solexa. Automatic unambiguous recognition of the formats is not possible, therefore the formats have to be explicitly specified. Invalid characters generate an error during conversion.

Note: If no conversion is done (e.g. both input and output in Sanger/Illumina 1.8+ format), scores are not automatically checked for errors.

Quality scores can be visualized using the view command.

The following example converts a legacy Illumina 1.3+ file to the Sanger/Illumina 1.8+ format:

st . --fmt fq-illumina --to.fastq illumina_1_3.fastq > sanger.fastq

The exp_err variable uses the quality scores to calculate the total number of expected sequencing errors (see filter command). In order to correctly calculate the value of exp_err it is vital that the format is correctly specified.